Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bethel s30 Diet Pills....mmmm kay

     Since Summer is coming up ya know, people wanna look their best and stuff. I'm 15 and kinda overweight. I just weighed myself on June 4th and just found out that I'm 198 pounds! Now I'm not going crazy and trying to kill myself or anything I'm just concerned. I don't look it though. I'm 5'7 and a pear shaped girl so I have more meat in my thighs and butt, like the rest of the women in my family. I have know problem with that but would like to lose some weight. I wear an XL in shirts and now it's getting kinda tight or is that just how they made it. But anyway, I wanna be able to go to a store and find my size and if not I have no problem going a size smaller because I have a nice shape. You know what I mean, right? Like, I don't like to dress in tight clothes but if I see a shirt I REALLY like and it's in a size smaller than I am, I won't really have a big problem buying it. I'm a 13/14 in jeans and I've never wanted to be skinny but I wanna bring that down. My goal would be to be a size 8/10 in Jeans(if that exist, lol idk), to have a flat toned stomach, be a size Medium or Large in size and have slimmer toned arms(not those railing arms that women who throw up get...yucky). I wanna be healthy and fit and have thick strong muscular legs....I mean slender skinny legs are okay but they don't appeal to me as something I'd want.

     A couple of weeks ago my mother got a hold of some diet pills and usually I wouldn't trust them and I've never used them before but my mother's co-workers raved about them. They lost weight easily and fast without hurting themselves. Bethel s30 Diet Pills are 100% Natural and have no side effects except for Dry Mouth. For that you'd have to drink lots of Water but it's good to drink Water anyway and it says that you have to workout and eat fruits and veggies, like normal, so you really wouldn't be changing anything and if you were it's all for the better, right. What it does is stop your craving of food. It cleans you out and stops you from wanting food but ofcourse you have to eat food but you just won't be overeating, which I think is maybe the biggest reason why there are so many overweight people in the world. You eat normally but won't want to cause it stops that but you HAVE TO...or you'll die, lol seriously. You can eat whatever you want and it'll taste them same and you workout and stuff and yeah. Recently, like just an hour ago I looked at my Yahoo and saw my question was answered. Now, I've gotten alot of obviously slow people answer my questions about weight on Yahoo. They always tell me things that I'm not looking for the answer to and that's pretty annoying. I simply asked if a 15 year old can take these pills and I got two answers that were HOOPLA and didn't help me at all but today a lady who's taking the pills too answered me FINALLY!!! She said she doesn't know but she gave me a number and some tips and I called and it turns out I CAN TAKE THEM!!! YAYAYAY I told my mother and I don't think she believes me but I can and that's all that matters. It's 6:40 pm and I'm kinda...kinda happy now knowing that. I finally can do something about my weight and it'll work. I've never had weight issues EVER! but until 2009 it's been kinda hard. In June of that year I had my Junior prom and was scared I wouldn't be able to find something to fit me, which is weird cause I'm a little chubby looking but nothing too serious. My arms are a little big and I have stretch marks and stuff, but I've always had stretch marks but not on my arms! Yeah, I really wanna change that...yeah.

     I was never a skinny girl nor have I ever wanted to be but I was never like overweight. I also have a dark neck and I'm Brown skin so it's noticeable. I never had that before so maybe and hopefully losing weight and eating right will make it disappear. I'm a girly girl all about cute clothes and stuff or at least wanting them(I never cared about clothes as much as I do now, back then, so I never asked my mom about going shopping and buying cute things; Barbie was always my drug and I chose it over anything else) but I won't feel right if I don't look right and have a dark neck, so I'm hoping it'll work and do something.

     I also want to become an Actress and I have to look the part, right? A black girl wanting to become an Actress isn't easy as becoming an Actress and being any race isn't easy but it's harder. I'm not a light skin African American girl so that's one point against me and I feel like if there's a black girl on TV she has to look as White as possible meaning Long hair or big curly hair like she was Mixed, have European features, Light Skin and being skinny and stuff(not that I'm saying that only White ppl are skinny cuz that would be dumb, lol). And I feel like if you aren't light skin in Hollywood as an Actress you get casted in those Stereotypical Roles, like the token black friend who gives advice and goes "M Mhmmh and Hmmmmm MHm". I don't want to do that. In these movies and TV shows it's like there's only one type of role for a Black woman and I wanna break that whole THING. I wanna be the Lead, the Cheerleader, the Popular girl(and not in an all black school), the IT girl, the Gossip Girl, the girl! I wanna be the girl who gets it. Sex in the City...I wanna be Carrie...when I'm older ofcourse...I LOVE SHOES!!! And would have a hard time choosing my McQueens over my Car, lol. I also wanna be in a Music Video...nothing like a rap video, like a  Justin Bieber (THERE 'E IS!!!) video when I'M the love interest and I wanna kiss him not Jasmine Vales something....I like her though, she's pretty! But didn't deserve those lips...those perfectly plump lips.....mmmmmhmmm mhmm hmmhmmmmhm......lol. Yeah, sooooo yeah gonna gonna stop yeah, otay, BYE!!!!(Say that last sentence in a Stewie voice...a Stewie voice).


  1. Bethel s30 pills don't have side affects, but when i take it, it make my heart go crazy. it beats so fast and i feel short of breath. Any recommendation except seeing a doctor. thanks make sure you are eating a banana, cantaloupe or other source of potassium.

  2. i want.. to buy them. where can i buy them

  3. Check Ebay.com or www.Slimin30.weebly.com
