Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Kay.....Let's Talk About Racism.....

     Kay, I'm tired of Racism on Youtube and just Racism period...period. These people who write these things don't know what the hell they're talking about. They think what they see on TV is real and it's not. I'm African American and I do not like ANY type of Racism. Against Black people, White people, Asian People, Spanish People, Indian People, Arabian People, and the list goes on and on. I just wanna smack people who say Black people do this and White people do that, it's like YOU DON'T KNOW THIS! That's what you see on TV. Like, I'm not gonna watch The Hills and think all White women are retarded plastic chicks with annoying ass voices who talk non-stop about boys, fashion and throwing up. Actually I watched 10 minutes of this annoying show and I swear I could feel my Brain Cells bursting. Umm, I'm just gonna go all over stuff. Ummm, I don't like when people try to justify being racist against other Races because they were Discriminated against. Especially when older people do it. It's hard cause you feel like you can't correct them cause they're old and you can't change they're minds. But yet you wanna smack 'em cause they think they know everything cause they're wise...please! Your old and I know more stuff than you did when you were my age. We need to teach the old people stuff about Race because in their days things that were acceptable and normal, today would make most people cringe or kick somebody. And I'm not being respectful or anything. I LOVE OLD PEOPLE. Most of them are nicer than young people but it's the racist ones that make you wanna kick 'em in the throat but of course you can't do that cause you'll get in trouble.

     Kay, something else......I don't like seeing people Racist against Black people. Yeah, I'll explain more...I'm thinking, I'm thinking. I'm Intelligent, Sweet, Pretty, Shy at times, Fashionable, Nice, Respectable among many other things. And I for some reason do not fit the stereotype of a Black girl. I'm not obnoxious, or very loud when it's unnecessary, I'm not disrespectful, not Ghetto or Thug-ish, my family doesn't expect me be Pregnant with my second child by High School Graduation and I don't expect to be chasing after my "Baby Daddy" with a gun because he won't pay for his son, Dedevonde's diapers. No no, not at all. And why? Why do I not fit this stereotype? I'll tell you why. Because the stereotype isn't a proven scientific fact. No stereotype is. Not all Black people fit this spot, so therefore it isn't true. Only some Black people fit this criteria and I am in no way associated with them. I hate it when people think that just because your of the same race, religion or nationality of somebody else, you'd be more comfortable being next to them or talking to them. Yeah, if someone thinks like me or has the same interest that I do, I'd wanna be around them but having the same skin color as me just isn't enough.

     Yeah so....yeah, just know that. Now more about me. Ummm, when I was younger I used to get called "White Girl". For people who don't know what that is, it's something people call you if talk or act a certain way. Like using big words, being super overly excited sometimes, liking a certain show or music, dressing a certain way, not using urban colloquialisms or even saying the word colloquialism. All that stuff makes you White. Okkkayyy? Suuuureee? Kay, any smart person would know that just by doing something doesn't make you a certain race. If you eat chicken, that doesn't make you Black; if you listen to Panic At The Disco, that doesn't mean your White(LOVE THAT BAND!!!); if you have more than 3 kids, that doesn't mean your Mexican and if your Spanish that doesn't mean your Mexican. Kay you get my drift, right? Yeah, kay. There is no such thing as acting White or Black but yet people still say it like it's actually true. Bet you wouldn't sound so smart if you said something like, "Why are you acting so Mexican.....You acting mad Oriental right now....". That sounds dumb right. Yeah so stop saying it. It's not funny. I'd get the whole "Why are you so White" thing when I wasn't even talking to the person who called me that. God, I hate it when people interrupt me. It didn't affect me at first but then I got it alot from other people and sometimes friends and then I was sick of it. You can't act a color. The only things that sets Blacks and Whites and Asians etc. apart are facial features, and skin color, really. You can be any race and speak Chinese or Japanese, German, Swedish, Arabic, Chichewa or whatever. It doesn't matter and yeah you get my point. Gonna move to something else OHHH!!!

Umm, just something that doesn't go along with this. Who used to watch Supermarket Sweep. OMG I'm watching Best of the I Love The 90's and they were taking about it and yeah. I LOVED that show and even though I didn't know what the point was, I still likeded it...eee eeh hehehe..........and saying OMG is something people think only White girls say, OMG I think NOT!!! But I'm changing it to OMB because of my husband, Justin Bieber(had to fit him in somewhere)

     Yeah so yeah. I'm gonna stop cause Justin Bieber's gonna be on E! Actually he is on it. RIGHT NOW!!! BYE you justin!!! And follow me!!!!! Aww !!!!C'mon!!!

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